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Terrorist Attacks: A Protective Service Guide for Executives, Bodyguards and Police Officers, Second Edition

NCJ Number
Raymond P. Siljander; Darin D. Fredrickson
Date Published
325 pages
This is a protective service guide for executives, bodyguards, and police officers.
The book considers any attack, whether criminally or politically motivated, as nothing other than a violent physical attack upon people or property. The book is not concerned with those things that can or should be done politically to cope with the threat of terrorism on an international level, but rather what individuals and corporations can do to reduce their vulnerability to a terrorist attack. The book describes five basic considerations necessary to combat terrorism on a national and international level: (1) secure intelligence data; (2) gain physical security of targets; (3) eliminate the underlying causes of terrorism; (4) formulate a policy regarding the payment of ransom; and (5) eliminate terrorist sanctuaries. The book discusses surveillance, countersurveillance, surveillance photography, physical security, and the bodyguard function. It also provides detailed information on bombings and bomb threats, kidnapping and hostage taking, defensive and offensive driving, communications, the sniper threat, and planning protection. The book reviews the techniques of the urban guerrilla, and contains a sample executive protection program, as well as a protection plan for a visiting government official. Figures, appendixes, index

Sale Source
Charles C. Thomas

2600 South First Street, Springfield, IL 62704, United States

Publication Format
Book (Hardbound)
Publication Type
Policy/Procedure Handbook/Manual
United States of America