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Study of Prakriti Pattern Among the Habitual Criminals and Its Scope in Rehabilitation

NCJ Number
Indian Journal of Criminology Volume: 9 Issue: 2 Dated: (July 1981) Pages: 99-109
S Venkataraghavan; T Sesha Giri; K Srinivasan; K Janaki
Date Published
11 pages
Findings are presented from a comparison of prakriti pattern (total of physical features, psychological traits, and certain characteristic habits) of habitual criminals and non-criminals in India, and rehabilitation implications are discussed.
The assessment of prakriti is part of the diagnostic and prognostic methods in the science of Ayurveda. With the knowledge of parkriti in a diseased person, treatment, rehabilitation, and prevention of relapses can be rationally planned. The materials and methods for the preparation of the prakriti assessment are described. Criminals between the ages of 25 and 60 who had been convicted for three or more crimes were eligible for the study. Ninety habitual criminals were stratified into three groups--simple, moderate, and severe--and compared to 94 non-criminals, based on prakriti assessments. No deviation in the overall prakriti pattern was found between the two groups. Contrary to expectation, the majority of the criminals were found to possess positive traits, such as truthfulness, religiosity, etc. These positive traits should be used as the foundation for rehabilitation. Certain proven Ayurvedic psychotropic drugs, diet, and yogic exercises are suggested. Sample prakriti forms are provided, and tabular data and seven references are provided.