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Study of Auxiliary Police

NCJ Number
B Jankowski; J-p Robert
Date Published
21 pages
This survey explores the opinions of 2,530 French auxiliary police officers concerning their training, professional tasks, reception and integration in their police unit, attitudes toward policing, and future plans.
With a median age of 21 years, this male sample population had opted to complete their obligatory military service with the police. Their responses to a 38-item, multiple choice questionnaire indicated that the vast majority was satisfied with the experience; in fact, 80 percent of the sample would make the same choice over again, and 68 percent would advise friends to complete their military service with the police. The greatest number of unfavorable attitudes were expressed by members of the Paris police force; 30 percent of these would opt for a different kind of service (as opposed to 20 percent in the overall sample). Paris auxiliary officers also had the greatest percentage of respondents indicating that they saw more disadvantages than advantages in this type of service. The age of the auxiliary officers had little influence on their responses; in fact, those 23 years old or older tended to be even satisfied with their choice. The questionnaire is appended.