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Stress and Illness Behavior in Prison: Effects of Life Events, Self-Care Attitudes, and Race

NCJ Number
Journal of Prison and Jail Health Volume: 10 Issue: 2 Dated: (Winter 1991) Pages: 117-132
J Suls; G Gaes; V Philo
Date Published
16 pages
The concurrent and prospective effects of negative life events on prison health clinic utilization in a Federal inmate population were assessed.
The effects of race and attitudes about health self-care on clinic utilization also were examined. One hundred and twenty-one inmates reported the occurrence of negative life events and physical symptomatology for a 3-month period and responded to a questionnaire about behavioral self-involvement in health. Information about clinic visits during the next 3-month period was collected later. The results indicated that negative life events increased the probability of clinic use during the concurrent time period and also during the subsequent 3 months, African American inmates tended to use the clinic more than Caucasian inmates, and inmates high in self-care orientation were less likely to use the clinic. Regression and path analysis showed that greater clinic use by African Americans was not explained by their experiencing more negative life events nor by having a stronger dependency on expert medical services. This leaves open the possibility that African American inmates have more long-standing health problems (though their self-reports of symptomatology tend to argue against this explanation). The results are discussed with reference to the distinction between illness and illness behavior and practical implications are considered. (Author abstract)