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Status of Knowledge in Spain (From Politiques de Prevention de la Delinquance. A l'Aune de la Recherche, P 112-129, 1991, Philippe Robert, ed. See NCJ-137844)

NCJ Number
E Gimenez-Salinas i Colomer
Date Published
18 pages
This article surveys Spanish research concerning drug prevention, endangered juveniles, local responses to recidivism, community-based delinquency prevention, and feelings of insecurity in the population.
Though research of drug abuse has greatly increased in Spain, no effective prevention has been found. In the prevention of juvenile delinquency, research emphasizes the negative effects of childhood experiences and child abuse on a juvenile's later life. Numerous research projects address the recidivism problem from a judicial viewpoint, but research on the prevention of recidivism is very scarce. In community-based crime prevention, the author focuses on a few specific efforts such as clean-up operations in slums and community policing. As an example of attitude research, an in-depth study of the city of Barcelona exploring the relation between real crime incidence and perceived threat is summarized. 2 pages of references