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Status of Knowledge in Italy (From Politiques de Prevention de la Delinquance. A l'Aune de la Recherche, P 138-154, 1991, Philippe Robert, ed. See NCJ-137844)

NCJ Number
G Mosconi; F Faccioli; M Piccolo
Date Published
17 pages
This article summarizes Italian research and policy concerning drug prevention, juvenile delinquency prevention, general crime prevention, and public attitudes toward crime.
Medical, psychological, and social research has sparked a vigorous and productive debate in drug prevention. As a result, the new narcotics law of 1990 emphasizes education and information of the population as a crucial step in drug prevention. In accord with recent research results, the Italian criminal policy of the past 6 years has aimed to keep juveniles out of the criminal justice system; instead, local and national prevention programs to educate and reform endangered juveniles have been put into effect. Although little formal research on general prevention exists, numerous conferences have been organized where participants discuss both theoretical and scientific approaches. In the area of public opinion research, Italy lags behind other countries; the most detailed study involving four, Italian cities dates back to 1980. 3 pages of references