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Statement of the Honorable Bud Cramer Before the Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Justice on the Reauthorization of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act, July 2, 1992

NCJ Number
B Cramer
Date Published
9 pages
This testimony identifies the merits of the National Children's Advocacy Program Act of 1992 (H.R. 4729/S. 2509).
The National Children's Advocacy Program Act expands and strengthens the Victims of Child Abuse Act of 1990. This Act has been designed with input from people in the field who deal with abused children on a daily basis to help communities develop child-focused, community-oriented, facility-based programs that will improve the resources available to children. As multidisciplinary child abuse programs can help to break the chain of abusive behavior, enactment of this bill will help prevent adolescent criminal behavior.