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Statement of Gordon A Raley Before the Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Justice, July 2, 1992

NCJ Number
G A Raley
Date Published
10 pages
The National Collaboration for Youth (NCY) is a coalition of 15 large youth-serving organizations in the United States that was organized in 1973 around the issues of delinquency prevention and the role of voluntary youth-serving agencies relative to passage of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA).
Collectively, NCY organizations serve an estimated 30 million young people each year. NCY personnel are aware that the needs of certain groups of young people require special attention, attention that can be provided via the JJDPA. These youth include delinquent youth, especially those who commit violent offenses and those at risk of delinquency; youth who are challenged by poverty and racial discrimination and who are overrepresented in juvenile correctional facilities; and girls and young women whose needs have not been addressed equitably. The NCY contends that the JJDPA is working and should be continued but that it has been neglected over the past several years and that its role as a strong partner in Federal-State-local cooperation should be restored. Specific sections of the JJDPA are reviewed that focus on status offender deinstitutionalization and the removal of children from adult jails and lockups. 1 figure