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State Trooper - Highway Patrolman, Ranger - The Complete Study Guide for Scoring High - Seventh Edition

NCJ Number
H Hammer
Date Published
124 pages
This guide describes application procedures and job responsibilities for State police officers, offers suggestions for taking the qualifying examination, and includes sample tests.
An examination of the job announcement and application forms is followed by an overview of the State police officer's or trooper's job. Areas considered include highway duties, investigative responsibilities, recordkeeping, training, promotions, earnings, and work hours. Techniques for studying and taking multiple-choice tests are detailed. Based on an analysis of job announcements containing sample questions, a composite examination is provided for the reader to complete in 3 hours. Shorter sample tests assess judgment, reasoning, and reading skills. Because most State trooper's tests try to evaluate an individual's ability to make oral and written reports, their purpose and organization are discussed. Multiple-choice questions on preparing reports test this skill. A second comprehensive examination which covers judgment and reasoning, reading comprehension, and arithmetic computations concludes the guide. Sample announcements and application forms are included.


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