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State Payment of Medical Expenses for Indigent Prisoners in County Jails - Program Evaluation

NCJ Number
J F Fiala; S Mason; S Hayes
Date Published
96 pages
Kentucky's General Assembly should clarify the types of medical care, including dental and psychiatric care, covered under the bill (KRS 441.010) providng health services to jail inmates, as well as increase local involvement in health care planning.
KRS 441.010, passed in 1979, provides that medical expenses necessary to preserve the indigent or needy jail prisoner's life or health should be paid by the unit of government under whose law the prisoner was charged. A review of the program's operation in 17 counties indicates problems in both the enabling legislation and its administrative procedures. The legislation is ambiguous in its definition of what medical care is covered, thus allowing treatment of routine or nonserious medical problems. Some parts of the program do not fit some counties' existing medical care programs. Also, the legislation does not encourage the adoption of more effective approaches to medical care. Recommendations for legislative change focus on establishing standards of medical care in Kentucky's jails and allowing for different medical care approaches, such as contract services. Administrative changes include having local health departments help jails develop health care plans and instituting a cost-benefit analysis of optional maximum payment approaches. Study data, footnotes, and appended data and affidavits are provided. (Author summary modified)