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Special Report II: Counter-Terrorism Equipping Hostage/Rescue Teams

NCJ Number
Law and Order Volume: 47 Issue: 4 Dated: April 1999 Pages: 86-90
Eitan Meyr
Date Published
5 pages
This article describes special configuration, tactics and equipment for teams involved in antiterrorist activities, especially hostage rescue operations.
Conventional military and police forces deployed in large and usually slow-to-react formations are not capable of dealing with small and clandestine terrorist cells known for striking swiftly and melting into the civil scenery. Counter-terrorist units should be characterized by: (1) flexible command and structure; (2) special tactical training; (3) skillful professional operators with proper personal traits; and (4) specially designed weapon systems and equipment. Counter-terrorist units are charged with intervening in extreme terrorist attacks involving hijacking and kidnapping; supporting other security agencies in dealing with such acts as homicide, extortion and bomb attacks; and protecting vital national assets, providing protective services to key government personnel and official guests of the state. The article describes in detail the various types and models of weapons used in the tactical fight against terrorism and analyzes their specific role in operational deployments.