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South Dakota's 2013 Criminal Justice Initiative

NCJ Number
Date Published
June 2013
12 pages
This issue brief discusses South Dakota's 2013 Criminal Justice Initiative.
This issue brief, developed by the Pew Charitable Trust as part of the Public Safety Performance Project, discusses South Dakota's 2013 Criminal Justice Initiative. This initiative was developed as a result of legislation in the State aimed at improving public safety, holding offenders more accountable, and reducing corrections spending in the State. In 2012, a bipartisan work group analyzed South Dakota's sentencing and corrections data and its criminal justice programs, policies, and practices; and examined options proven to reduce recidivism. As a result of this work group, a set of policy recommendations was developed aimed at improving public safety, holding offenders more accountable, and reducing spending. The results of the work group resulted in passage of South Dakota's Public Safety Improvement Act which was signed into law in February 2013. The law has three primary goals which are discussed in this brief. These goals are 1) to strengthen offender supervision and accountability; 2) focus prison space on violent and career criminals; and 3) ensure the quality and sustainability of reforms. 3 figures and 11 endnotes