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Skill Development for Court Reporting

NCJ Number
Date Published
450 pages
Lessons in the development of shorthand and court reporting skills are presented for student court reporters. They teach new skills, present shorthand outlines, and help develop the reporter's shorthand speed.
The lessons teach new reporting arbitraries, some phrases useful to reporters, an enlarged writing vocabulary, and new language and procedures of the court system. Special review material is provided to reinforce the writing principles and arbitraries learned in theory. Shorthand outlines for previewed words are shown throughout the book. Underlined works that can be written in one-stroke phrases are included as suggested aids. The text instructs on how to write testimony, colloquy, the judge's instructions to a jury, lawyer's opening and closing statements, a portion of a legal opinion, part of a deposition, marking exhibits for identification and receiving them in evidence, proceedings in the judge's chambers, an adoption case tried without a jury, and many other selections of graded and timed dictation material. Throughout the text are actual shorthand notes to be read and transcribed and to serve as samples for writing different types of dictation material. Sample transcript formats are provided to guide the reporter when transcribing court proceedings. (Author summary modified)