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Services for At-Risk Youth in Westchester County: A Review and Evaluation

NCJ Number
W W Philliber; S O Philliber
Date Published
255 pages
The results of data obtained from 79 agencies in Westchester County which evaluate their strategies for solving the problems of youth in 8 critical areas are presented. Information was obtained on what strategies these programs use, what their program coverage is, and how they evaluate the success of their efforts.
The Comprehensive Plan of the Westchester County Youth Bureau identifies eight problem areas which often lead to long term dependency upon various levels of government for their care and well-being, either in institutional or non-institutional settings. The eight critical areas are school dropouts, substance abuse, unemployability, child abuse, early pregnancy, runaways and homelessness, emotional disturbance, and criminal behavior. The programs in Westchester County in each area are evaluated, and the findings presented. The report also includes a review of the magnitude of these areas in Westchester County, a review of the nationally recognized interventions for dealing with these problems, and an assessment of the comprehensiveness and effectiveness with which each of these problems is being addressed in Westchester County. 1 appendix, 50 tables and figures