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Search and Seizure Checklists, Fourth Edition

NCJ Number
M G Hermann
Date Published
320 pages
Designed as a quick reference to doctrines and cases, this topical analysis of fourth amendment law identifies what is required to obtain search or arrest warrants and the situations which justify warrantless searches and seizures.
Individual sections address search, seizure, arrest, search warrant requirements, warrantless searches, searches incident to arrest, exigent circumstances, and stop and frisk. Special searches are examined: vehicle stops and vehicle, container, luggage, and inventory searches. Other search and seizure doctrines and situations considered in the guide include plain view, abandonment, curtilage, consent, border and immigration stops and searches, boat stops and searches, administrative searches, and searches relating to airports, mail, and dogs. Electronic surveillance, body searches, and institutional searches are covered. The guide quotes major Federal cases to illustrate the application and source of each rule. Where appropriate, burdens of proof are discussed.