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Safe Schools: Everyone's Responsibility

NCJ Number
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0 pages
This video, intended for Pennsylvania school administrators and teachers, explains the need for and the components of a comprehensive State program for combatting school crime and violence.
The narrator reviews statistics on the increasing problem of violence and crime in schools, such that students are afraid and feel unsafe while attending school. While these statistics are quoted, dramatizations of student violence and fear are shown in the video. The narrator then introduces Pennsylvania's statewide effort to address the problem of unsafe schools. The key component of the effort has been the establishment of the Center for Safe Schools, which provides information, guidance, and technical assistance for schools in dealing with conflict and violence. The strategy promulgated by the Center is for school administrators to first assess the situation in their schools, emphasize the role of adults in helping to create safe schools, promote early intervention, adopt proactive programs, and address minor incidents to prevent them from evolving into major crises. The Center offers materials designed to instruct teachers and school administrators in the management of conflict and the establishment of delinquency prevention programs. A chart is portrayed, listing ways adults can help foster safe schools. These include being aware of what is happening among students and between students and teachers, accept that any school can be unsafe, know what students are doing, listen to students, and take action. Some resources offered by the Center for Safe Schools are profiled.

Sponsoring Agency
Pennsylvania Dept of Education

333 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17126, United States

Corporate Author
Ctr for Safe Schools

27 Miller Street, Lemoyne, PA 17043, United States

Sale Source
Ctr for Safe Schools

27 Miller Street, Lemoyne, PA 17043, United States

Publication Type
Citizen Involvement Material
United States of America
Color VHS video, 10 minutes