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Role of the School in the National Campaign Against Drug Abuse

NCJ Number
Drug Education Journal of Australia Volume: 5 Issue: 3 Dated: (December 1991) Pages: 185-198
R James; S Carruthers
Date Published
9 pages
The evaluation results of 15, school-based drug education programs conducted in Australia between 1978 and 1990 were reviewed to determine appropriate programs for future implementation.
The National Campaign Against Drug Abuse (NCADA) Task Force on Evaluation recommended drug education should be part of a comprehensive health education program and that State education departments should be responsible for implementation. Organizations including the Australian State Departments of Health and Education provided documentation for the review. Selection criteria included: formal documentation for school-based drug education program focusing on alcohol and/or tobacco for years 5-12; a design that includes a control or comparison group; and outcome results that include a combination of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. Analysis indicated immense differences and inconsistencies in outcomes with varied program effectiveness due to age, gender, and drug experience. Recommendations for future programs include clarifying objectives such as determining whether a program aims to reduce or prevent drug abuse. Quality assurance and financial considerations are important factors in developing a successful program. Political, educational, and research oriented strategies need to be used for effective school-based health and drug education program implementation. 1 table and 61 references