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Restorative Proportionality of Community Service for Juveniles

NCJ Number
European Journal of Crime Volume: iminal Law and Criminal Justice Issue: Dated: Pages: 4 (1996)-380
L Walgrave; H Geudens
Date Published
20 pages
This article discusses the concept of proportionality in connection with the development of restorative justice techniques.
The article discusses three models of judicial response to crime: retributive, rehabilitative and restorative. In addition, it investigates restorative justice as an alternative paradigm for juvenile justice; community service as a sanction within the restorative justice paradigm; a research project on the juridical status of restorative community service; and the proportionality of community service in Belgian juvenile justice. The article calls for further research on restorative principles and conscious implementation strategies. Reflection on socio-ethical, philosophical and legal theory must be further developed in order to construct a coherent paradigm of restorative justice which can serve as a frame of reference to ensure correct application in practice and to guide experimentation with appropriate methods and techniques. The final goal is not development of a rigid rating schedule of restorative sanctions, but achievement of a "reasonable restoration". Notes, tables, figures, bibliography

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