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Resolving Conflict: Activities for Grades K-3

NCJ Number
Date Published
41 pages
This manual presents 13 activities intended for use as a unit in conflict resolution for children in kindergarten to third grade.
The classroom teacher or school counselor can use these activities to enhance language and social studies curricula. The program rests on the belief that developing and expanding children's vocabulary and teaching students conflict resolution skills in the elementary grades will lay a foundation for lifelong interpersonal and citizenship skills. The activities are grouped into three parts: understanding conflict, understanding feelings, and problemsolving. Specific activities use puppets, chalk, and chalkboard to define conflict; have children choose pictures and write stories describing the conflict in the picture; involve students in discussions that enlarge their vocabularies related to emotions and assist them in identifying their feelings; and suggest possible solutions to a conflict. Each activity is described with respect to the time and materials required, the objective, the procedures, and the follow-up activity. Lists of resource organizations, order form, list of children's books related to conflict resolution, and 62 references