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Rehabilitation of Prostitutes in Protective Homes

NCJ Number
Indian Journal of Criminology Volume: 14 Issue: 1 Dated: (January 1986) Pages: 61-65
S Shekar
Date Published
5 pages
This article discusses the elements of a model rehabilitation program for prostitutes in India.
The courts should commit women convicted of prostitution to special homes that provide the skilled staff and program activities tailored to the rehabilitative needs of the women. The inmate-staff ratio should permit the development of close relationships between staff and inmates, and staff should be trained to develop relationships with the inmates that foster self-esteem and facilitate the adoption of normative values, attitudes, and behavior. Staff members should be familiar with the background of each inmate and relate to her accordingly. Institutional activities should encourage independence within a normative structure. Priority activities include education, vocational training, gardening, instruction and counseling on sex and marriage, and preparation for living in the community through prerelease and aftercare programs. The staff should hold regular case conferences to review each inmate's development. Based on these case conferences, treatment plans may be modified if current approaches are not having their intended effect.


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