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Reentry at the Point of Entry

NCJ Number
Corrections Today Volume: 63 Issue: 7 Dated: December 2001 Pages: 68-75
Kit Glover; Kurt Bumby
Date Published
December 2001
8 pages
This article discusses the typical youth’s processing through the Missouri Division of Youth Services (DYS).
The goal of the DYS is to successfully transition a youth back home and to the community. The ultimate measure of success for residential or institutional treatment programs is the assurance that youths exiting such facilities maintain positive gains and refrain from re-offending or engaging in problematic behaviors upon return to the community. The importance of developing transitional and aftercare programming lies in additional treatment, education, monitoring, and other support services following release from a residential or institutional treatment program. In Missouri, DYS maintains a commitment to protecting the safety of citizens by providing individualized and comprehensive needs-based services. DYS facilities have evolved from large, statewide training schools that emphasized custodial care into small regionally based treatment programs designed to serve youths and their families close to home. The services and approaches DYS provides include: a continuum of security and programming ranging from community-based and nonresidential programs to residential programs; comprehensive, standardized needs and risk assessments; an emphasis on individualized needs; community-based partnerships for job placement and alternative education; incorporation of treatment outcome exploration; commitment toward collaboration with local juvenile courts in early intervention and prevention efforts; and a singular case management system. The aftercare consists of an indefinite period of time that youths remain on caseloads but have transitioned into the community. The Intensive Case Supervision Program was developed to maintain consistent and frequent contact with youths in aftercare or community care. Day treatment programs provide an effective transitional service for youths re-entering the community following release from residential care. Treatment and educational services are integral to individual youth development planning, and Missouri continues to refine educational programming. Youth also receive medical, dental, vision and mental health screenings, physical examinations, and qualified reviews of any medications they may have been prescribed. Additional transitional services include sex offender management groups, substance abuse programming, and family therapy services.

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