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Reentry Education Model Supporting Education and Career Advancement for Low-Skill Individuals in Corrections

NCJ Number
Michelle Tolbert
Date Published
August 2013
36 pages
The guide describes the development of a correctional education reentry model illustrating an education continuum to bridge the gap between prison and community-based education and training programs.
The U.S. Department of Education, Office of Vocational and Adult Education supported the development of a correctional education reentry model. This report describes the development of this developed correctional education reentry model illustrating an education continuum to bridge the gap between prison and community-based education and training programs. The reentry solution of an education continuum section covers the model for strengthening and aligning education services, establishing a strong program infrastructure, and ensuring education is well integrated in the corrections system; and applying and validating the model. This model ensures that offenders can gain the knowledge and skills needed to obtain long-term, living-wage employment, and transition successfully out of the corrections system. This model is based on a review of research studies and feedback from a panel of experts, including practitioners, administrators, and researchers in the fields of corrections and education. Figures and references

