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Reducing Youth Offending

NCJ Number
Date Published
50 pages
Conference papers and discussions focus on the British government's policies for reducing youth crime, practical problems faced by those who work with young offenders, and ways to help reduce youth offending in Merseyside, England.
The keynote address, delivered by the Minister of State in the Home Office, profiled the government's proposals for reducing youth crime. The proposals feature early and effective intervention to prevent escalation to more serious crimes, as well as prevention programs. One policy designed to achieve early intervention is a final warning scheme to replace police cautions for juveniles. Under this proposal, the police would have two options for dealing with juvenile offenders they do not charge: a "police reprimand," which could be given only for a first offense and only if the offense was relatively minor; or a "final warning," with targeted action associated with it. The scheme is designed to address minor delinquent behavior before it reaches the court stage. Other proposals are designed to address delays in the processing of youth, develop new court orders, and improve the framework within which interventions are provided. Delinquency prevention proposals are designed to aid local governments in the development of prevention programs tailored to a community's particular needs. Other papers focus on national trends in youth crime, ways of dealing with habitual juvenile offenders, prevention and diversion programs, and the importance of and ways to facilitate interagency cooperation in addressing youth problems.