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Rape Law Reform in Canada: Evaluating Impact (From Crime and Its Victims: International Research and Public Policy Issues, P 153-170, 1989, Emilio C. Viano, ed. -- See NCJ-119600)

NCJ Number
P Begin
Date Published
18 pages
After more than a decade of criticism and lobbying by women's groups and other interest groups advocating reform in policy and in law with respect to rape in Canada, Bill C-127 was passed by the House of Commons in 1982.
Critics in a number of common law jurisdictions were advancing two interdependent analytical frameworks for the re-examination and reform of rape laws. One viewed rape as a crime of violence and not as a crime of uncontrollable sexual passion. The other viewed the rules of law related to evidence and procedure in rape trials as practices which harassed and degraded victims and denied to women the right to individual and sexual autonomy and equal rights under the law. The sexual assault legislation was intended to have an impact on victims' reporting behavior and experiences with the criminal justice process, criminal justice system practitioners' handling and processing of sexual assault complaints and cases, and the behavior of potential assailants. A research program was developed to assess the impact of this major legislative initiative including some of the methodological challenges associated with the project. 4 notes and bibliography