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Raising Drug-free Kids in a Drug-filled World

NCJ Number
W M Perkins; N McMurtrie-Perkins
Date Published
98 pages
Two parents present information and advice on how parents can help children avoid alcohol and other drug abuse, based on the 3-hour program they presented nationwide during a 10,500-mile "Walk Around America."
The authors use their own experiences as parents of teenagers who abused drugs and as counselors to explain methods to improve parenting skills. They describe their own son's involvement with alcohol and other drugs, their responses as parents, and how the family's recovery process led to the development of a drug prevention program for parents. Their guidelines explain inappropriate and appropriate reaction to problems, the reasons that children use drugs, and ways to practice drug prevention from pregnancy through the child's teenage years. The importance of setting and enforcing, through appropriate consequences, a family rule prohibiting drug use is emphasized. 20 references