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Putting It All Together

NCJ Number
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse Volume: 20 Issue: 6 Dated: November-December 2011 Pages: 643-656
Martin A. Finkel
Date Published
December 2011
14 pages
This article provides insight into obtaining historical details about a child's experience and guidance regarding how to incorporate those details when formulating a balanced and defensible opinion.
The most available form of evidence in child sexual abuse cases is what the child has to say about his or her alleged experience. The most difficult skill for clinicians to develop is the "how tos" of talking to children in a developmentally appropriate, nonjudgmental, facilitative, and empathetic manner. This manuscript provides insight into obtaining historical details about a child's experience and guidance regarding how to incorporate those details when formulating a balanced and defensible opinion. The consultative report should be an instrument to explain the presence or absence of physical findings, the significance of symptoms temporally related to sexual contact, and discrepancies between a child's perception of an experience and physical findings. (Published Abstract)