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Proving Federal Crimes

NCJ Number
J C Cissell
Date Published
269 pages
This revised, expanded looseleaf edition of a reference manual for Federal prosecutors cites authorities relevant to all Federal circuits and provides new material on jeopardy and mistrial, prosecutorial misconduct, and the grand jury.
The manual considers (1) the acquisition, use, and misuse of evidence and (2) the law of evidence. Search and seizure laws are discussed, including the topics of warrants, evidence affected by a search and seizure, motions to suppress, and wiretapping. An examination of fifth and sixth amendment confrontations focuses on confessions and identifications before trial, while a discussion of the grand jury and immunity considers procedures, supervisory powers of district court, disclosure, multiple representation of witnesses, and grand jury reports. A chapter on pretrial discovery and disclosure reviews such elements as notice of alibi, discovery and inspection, rule of Brady v. Maryland, and bill of particulars. Also considered are trial discovery of prior statements; jeopardy and mistrial; and prosecutorial misconduct and vindictiveness, including opening statement errors, proof precaution problems, and closing argument errors. Examination of the law of evidence encompasses such topics as judicial notice, weight of the evidence and relevancy, examination of witnesses and witness privileges. An index and table of statutes and rules are included.