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Protecting the Republic: The Education and Training of American Police Officers

NCJ Number
James O'keefe
Date Published
284 pages
This book provides a comprehensive and practical framework for the recruitment, selection, education, and training of new and in-service police officers.
The opening chapter notes the importance of the police officer in not only enforcing the laws that reflect the values of the U.S. Republic, but in also embodying those values in the performance of his/her policing duties. This sets the tone for the importance of the recruitment, selection, education, and training of new police officers, as well as the ongoing training for in-service officers, both frontline and executives. After a chapter on recruitment and selection of new officers, seven chapters discuss the education and training of new officers. One chapter focuses on training philosophy and the organizational and operational structure for training. This is followed by an overview of the role of the police academy, maintenance of the quality of the academy curriculum, and the cost of educating and training new police officers. Other chapters on educating and training new police officers address the teaching of police science, the law, the behavioral sciences, physical education, and the use of force and firearms. A separate chapter presents a field training model for new police officers. Three chapters discuss the education and training of in-service police officers, including police supervisors and managers. One chapter presents a model for executive development in law enforcement. The concluding chapter provides guidance for building a law enforcement organization that will sustain the American Republic. Chapter summaries, key terms, questions for discussion, and suggested readings and a subject index