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Promotion of Police Integrity

NCJ Number
Police Journal Volume: 59 Issue: 3 Dated: (July-September 1986) Pages: 208-215
B Swanton
Date Published
8 pages
Police integrity can be promoted through agency conduct rules, the enforcement of these rules, the moral and ethical education of officers, and the establishment of a clear organizational behavioral philosophy.
All recruits and officers should be instructed in morality and ethics applied to specific police responsibilities. Such education should be combined with clear statements of an agency's internal regulations. Police administrators must develop agency ethical codes, accompanied by disciplinary rules. Organizational ethics and disciplinary codes should match aggregate levels of officer professionalism and management styles. Disciplinary codes could gain more officer support through management's negotiating them with officer representatives. Police managers should not attempt the development of personal codes of ethics for officers. Agencies with highly professional officers should entrust the development of personal ethical codes and compliance mechanisms to practitioner bodies to ensure maximum officer commitment to prescribed behaviors. 32 references.