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Progress Reports on Implementation of the National Committee on Violence Recommendations

NCJ Number
J M Herlihy; A Scandia
Date Published
234 pages
Information in this report consists of official reports from many areas of Australia's State, Territory, and Commonwealth governments about what those agencies have done or are doing in response to the recommendations of the National Committee on Violence (NCV).
The establishment of the NCV in October 1988 was a joint governmental response to public concern about the level of violence in Australia and followed the mass shootings in Melbourne's Hoddle and Queen Streets on August 9 and December 8, 1987. In February 1990, the NCV reported its landmark recommendations for addressing violence throughout Australia. The recommendations pertain to many aspects of violence in the country; they received bipartisan support and were taken up by all governments. Many have been or are in the process of being implemented. This report first presents the NCV's 138 recommendations; following five general recommendations, the remaining recommendations are classified under the public and private agencies and organizations that would logically implement them. The body of the report presents the responses of the various governments (Commonwealth, New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia, Tasmania, Northern Territory, and Australian Capital Territory) to each of the 138 recommendations. Information was obtained directly from officials in the jurisdictions. The information gives the status of governmental responses approximately 2 years after the establishment of the NCV and before formal implementation of the report's recommendations by all governments. An index of violence-reduction projects