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Program Statement for a New Mental Health Facility

NCJ Number
Date Published
61 pages
This is a program statement for the construction of a 150- bed correctional facility for use as a transitional unit for those inmates who are not able to function in the general population of a traditional correctional institution because of mental health impairments, but are not in need of hospitalization for mental health reasons.
The unit will provide a range of work, programs, and activities similar to those available in a traditional correctional institution, with the addition of more extensive mental health care and treatment. Staffing at this facility will involve a higher staff-inmate ratio to ensure that all levels of work can be performed by the inmates. This report contains a mission statement for the facility, the concept underlying the facility's construction, the security concept, and the architectural program. The latter is broken down into administration, housing component, mental health, medical department, pharmacy, activities department, academic education, drug/alcohol treatment, library, storeroom/canteen, mail room records/classification, good service, chaplains area, laundry, security, visiting area, inmate reception area, barber shop, custodial services, physical plant, groundskeeping, parking, site requirements, and architectural summary. Also included are a staffing summary, cost estimate, and project schedule. Appended utility study