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Probation Service and Public Opinion in the Netherlands

NCJ Number
Howard Journal Volume: 29 Issue: 3 Dated: (November 1990) Pages: 246-260
D Woelinga
Date Published
15 pages
This paper presents the findings of a survey about awareness of and attitudes towards the probation service in the Netherlands.
The results show that, even in a period of increased repressiveness in which attention tends to be focused on the victim, there is still a stable basis for probation work among the public. Although awareness of the existence of the probation service has increased since a similar study was carried out in 1966, its specific tasks need to be explained more fully. Publicity might also increase the assumed benefit and effect of probation work. Special efforts to reach groups like youngsters and members of ethnic minorities are recommended in the conclusion. 16 tables, 2 notes, and 7 references (Author abstract)


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