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Probability of Detection and Institutional Vandalism

NCJ Number
British Journal of Criminology Volume: 21 Issue: 4 Dated: (October 1981) Pages: 361-365
F Graham
Date Published
5 pages
Findings are presented from a British study that examined the deterrent impact of increased likelihood of detection on inmates' acts of vandalism (window breaking) in a correctional institution.
Breaking cell windows had been a frequent form of vandalism in the Low Newton Remand Center before improved detection methods were implemented in 1979. The improved detection involved checking the windows twice daily (because of the rapid turnover in the institution). New admissions were informed verbally and in writing that such inspections would be made and that all persons in a cell would have to pay for broken windows. A similar fine was used prior to the improved detection program. The incidence of window breaking was recorded over a 21-week preprogram period for a 6-week period during the program. Effects were also determined over a subsequent 19-week period during which prison officers on the wings ran the program. Findings show that increasing the likelihood of detection did produce a drop in breakage, from 60 percent to 85 percent in the various wings of the institution. Tabular data and nine references are provided.