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Prisoners in 1985

NCJ Number
L A Greenfeld
Date Published
11 pages
This bulletin presents population counts for State and Federal prisons on December 31, 1985.
Data indicate the change in the State and Federal prison populations for 1977-1985; number of inmates by sex, region, and State at year's end for 1984 and 1985; the 10 States with the largest 1985 prison populations; the 10 States with the largest percent increase for 1984-1985 and for 1980-1985; and the 10 States with the highest incarceration rates for 1985. Additional data show the percent change in the prison population for 1980-1985 by region and State, women in State and Federal prisons at 1985, number of State inmates in local jails because of prison crowding by State for 1984 and 1985, and Federal and State prison capacities at 1985 yearend. Narrative summary plus additional data.