Correctional facility capacity
Jail Inmates in 2022 – Statistical Tables
Jail Inmates in 2021 - Statistical Tables
Jail Inmates in 2021 - Statistical Tables
Jail Inmates in 2020 - Statistical Tables
Jail Inmates in 2020 - Statistical Tables
Justice Reinvestment in Ohio: Reducing Recidivism Through Treatment: Policy Framework
Justice Reinvestment in Kansas: Overview
California Prison Downsizing and Its Impact on Local Criminal Justice Systems
Criminal Sentencing in Transition
Model-Based US Prison Population Projections
Crime and Incarceration: Some Comparative Findings From the 1980s
Selective Incapacitation?
Work in America's Jails: NIJ Provides First National Profile
Constructing Guidelines for Sentencing - The Critical Choices for the Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission
Corrections refers to the supervision of persons arrested for, convicted of, or sentenced for criminal offenses. Correctional populations fall into two general categories: institutional corrections and community corrections. Correctional officers play a pivotal role in protecting public safety. They separate individuals convicted of crimes from communities as they serve out their sentences, and they also help those who have completed their sentences to live law-abiding...