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Preventive Health Care Event in a County Jail

NCJ Number
American Jails Volume: 6 Issue: 3 Dated: (July/August 1992) Pages: 47-49
D S Young
Date Published
3 pages
This article discusses one jail's successful effort to plan and implement effective preventive health education in the form of a health fair.
To introduce preventive health education, the Snohomish County Jail in Everett, Washington, planned and implemented a health fair for its inmates. A committee, which worked as a collaborative unit, organized two main events: an all-day Saturday health screening and a series of health classes that took place over three days. Out-of-pocket costs for the events totaled about $268. The inmates who participated were genuinely interested as participation in both events was voluntary. On the basis of the inmates' written evaluative comments, the health fair was deemed an overwhelmingly positive event.


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