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Prevention in Alaska: Issues and Innovations (From Health Promotion and Substance Abuse Prevention Among American Indian and Alaska Native Communities: Issues in Cultural Competence, P 81-128, 2001, Joseph E. Trimble, Ph.D., and Fred Beauvais, Ph.D., eds. -- See NCJ-189792)

NCJ Number
Gerald Mohatt Ed.D.; Kelly L. Hazel Ph.D.; Justin W. Mohatt B.A.
Date Published
48 pages
This article describes prevention efforts and interventions that meet the diverse needs of the native people of Alaska.
Diversity of geography, climate, and culture dictate the nature of the service delivery systems in Alaska, including providing drug prevention programming. The article describes training programs, conferences and symposia, health fairs, and culturally derived interventions. The interventions operate at the State, local, and regional level with much attention to cooperative and synergistic efforts. Alcohol abuse is ranked first among behavioral health risk factors in Alaska. As many as 45,000 Alaskans are estimated to be problem drinkers, and the State's reported rate of fetal alcohol syndrome is four times the national average. The article discusses the Rural Community Health Aide Program (which provides most of the primary health care for rural villages), the Alaska Council on Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Abuse, the Annual Statewide Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Symposium, the Rural Alaska Community Action Program, the Rural Providers Conference, statewide and regional education and prevention efforts, and policies to control access to alcohol. Note, references