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Practices, Policies and Procedures That Influence Juror Satisfaction in Australia

NCJ Number
Jane Goodman-delahunty; Neil Brewer; Jonathan Clough; Jacqueline Horan; James R.p. Ogloff; David Tait; Jessica Pratley
Date Published
211 pages
This research examined a range of issues regarding the jury system and processes in Australia, including community perceptions of the jury system, juror information, and jury management during and after trials.
The community survey found that juror-eligible citizens held generally positive views of jury service and expressed a willingness to serve on juries; however, some barriers to jury participation were identified. One of these was a lack of accurate information about jury duty. The physical environment in which jurors serve was a substantial contributor to their comfort and general satisfaction with jury services. Only about one-half to two-thirds of the jurors surveyed were satisfied with the comfort and privacy of the jury assembly areas and the comfort of the courtrooms and jury rooms. On the whole, citizens expressed a high degree of satisfaction with preservice communications regarding jury duty. In the course of jury duty, approximately 85 percent were satisfied with the way they were treated by court staff and the information provided on their role as jurors. Of particular concern to jurors was the financial burden incurred while serving on a jury. Overall, 24 percent of the jurors were satisfied with their remuneration, and only 18 percent were satisfied with their travel allowance. There was a strong positive correlation between overall satisfaction with the experience of jury service and confidence in the jury system. Recommendations offered for improving citizens’ response to and confidence in the jury system included the development of community-based education program designed to reduce barriers to jury participation, reduction in the financial burden of jury duty, legislation to protect jurors’ jobs and income during jury duty, and the upgrading of juror facilities in accordance with best architectural practices. The study drew upon a range of archival, qualitative, and quantitative information. 20 figures, 24 tables, and 96 references