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Positive Youth Development Project - Final Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
22 pages
This report describes the activities of the Alliance for Community Youth Development Services of Boston, Mass., during its final year of contractural agreement with the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.
The alliance's efforts to increase the capacity of youth agencies in Boston to provide quality services to youths were carried out in three major areas: the Youth Worker Program at the University of Massachusetts' College of Public and Community Service, training and technical assistance efforts of the alliance staff, and the alliance transportation programs. The most significant accomplishment during the final period was that the University of Massachusetts took steps to increase its level of support for the Youth Worker Program. With regard to technical assistance, onsite training was provided to the staff members and agencies which received grants from the alliance. The transportation program was designed to provide youth agencies with a lowcost means of transporting youths. Direct services were provided to several agencies, including the Fields Corner Youth Collaborative, the John F. Kennedy Family Services center, and the Hawthorne Youth and Community Center. The 50-percent reduction in operating funds from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention resulted in elimination of three grantees, reduction in service level to the remaining grantees, and reduction in the alliance staff. Nevertheless, major progress was made through alliance efforts to provide creative growth-enhancing services to high-risk youths in serveral areas of Boston.