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Portrayal of Alcohol and Drug Issues in the Victorian Print Media: An Analysis

NCJ Number
Drug Education Journal of Australia Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Dated: (August 1990) Pages: 119-129
M O'Donnell; A O'Donnell; A Jackson
Date Published
11 pages
The content of alcohol and drug-related articles in Victorian newspapers and selected magazines during January 1990 was analyzed to determine whether a shift in the public view of the drug problems is reflected in a change in the print media's portrayal of the issue.
Analysis was based on 828 cuttings, provided by the Australian Press Cutting Service, which dealt with illegal drugs (60 percent), alcohol (21 percent), and tobacco (19 percent). A clear distinction was found between reportage of alcohol and tobacco issues and the reportage of illegal drugs. The reportage of illegal drugs was located within a social deviance framework. Issues of news selection and news bias are raised. The interaction between existing social attitudes and the creation of stories consistent with those attitudes is regarded as important. Media reporting is identified as one element in the complex pattern of discourse construction around alcohol and drug issues. Implications for prevention are examined, and elements of a cooperative consultation program with the media are outlined. 5 tables and 14 references (Author abstract modified)


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