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Police Sexual Misconduct: Female Police Officers' Views Regarding Its Nature and Extent

NCJ Number
Women and Criminal Justice Volume: 20 Issue: 3 Dated: July-September 2010 Pages: 263-282
Timothy M. Maher
Date Published
July 2010
20 pages
This study examined police sexual misconduct (PSM).
Sexual misconduct among on-duty police officers has received little scholarly attention. Existing research that has attempted to provide police officers' views on this matter has been dominated by the male perspective. The present study focuses on female officers' perspectives and provides insight into the nature and extent of such behavior. The findings show that female officers report that police sexual misconduct is common. Differences in perceptions about such behavior between female and male officers are identified. Theoretical explanations for police sexual misconduct are explored. Policy implications of how police sexual misconduct might be better controlled are discussed. Tables and references (Published Abstract)