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Physical Health Status, Substance Use and Abuse, and Mental Disorders Among Homeless Adults

NCJ Number
Journal of Social Issues Volume: 46 Issue: 4 Dated: (1990) Pages: 65-81
E L Struening; D K Padgett
Date Published
17 pages
This paper examines overlap and comorbidity issues related to substance abuse, mental disorders, and physical health problems through a survey of homeless adults in New York City in 1987.
A representative sample of 949 men and 311 women residing in a New York City shelter was interviewed with a structured protocol regarding their housing histories and specific needs for help; problems with health, drugs, alcohol, and mental disorders; demographic profile; early childhood; police involvement; work histories; and other relevant problems and experiences. A typology of 10 groups was constructed based on 7 measures of substance use and abuse and mental disorders. The dependent variables included scores on 16 measures of self-rated health status and lifetime prevalence of physical conditions. A direct relationship was found between poor physical health of the respondent and the kind of involvement with drugs, alcohol, and mental health problems. Respondents involved in heavy substance abuse or with mental health histories reported highest rates of poor physical health. The identification of the various subgroups of the homeless population warrants development of programs with different service components to insure effective service delivery. 5 tables and 20 references (Author abstract modified)


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