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Physical Abuse of Women Before, During, and After Pregnancy

NCJ Number
Journal of the American Medical Association Volume: 285 Issue: 12 Dated: March 28, 2001 Pages: 1581-1584
Sandra L. Martin Ph.D.; Linda Mackie B.S.; Lawrence L. Kupper Ph.D.; Paul A. Buescher Ph.D.; Kathryn E. Moracco Ph.D.
Date Published
March 2001
4 pages
Using a representative sample collected throughout the State of North Carolina, the authors examined statistical information regarding physical abuse, of women before, during and after pregnancy.
The article presents information regarding the prevalence of physical abuse of women before, during, and after pregnancy with an emphasis on the exploration of postpartum abuse. Items discussed include injuries sustained and medical intervention resulting from postpartum abuse and the relationship between the woman's sociodemographic characteristics and use of well baby care on abuse prevalence and patterns. The authors used mail and telephone surveys in an effort to collect data from a sample of 3,542 women with a deliberate over-sampling of women with low birth weight babies. The article considered abuse prevalence in the three relevant time periods and also reviewed statistical information regarding the identity of the abuser. In general, the absence of abuse prior to delivery correlated to an absence of abuse in the postpartum period. Tables, references