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Penal Process

NCJ Number
Research Bulletin Issue: 12 Dated: (1981) Pages: 20-26
S Folkard
Date Published
7 pages
The current state of knowledge about the effectiveness of various penal practices is reviewed through selected research findings, and implications for penal policy are discussed, with particular reference to England.
There is little research evidence to support the traditional penal objectives of rehabilitation, deterrence, and incapacitation. While research to date does not unequivocally establish that current penal policy and programs are of no value in the aforementioned areas, there is not enough empirical evidence generally to establish them as realistic primary objectives of the penal system. The achievement of justice (a sanction appropriate for the severity of an offense) appears to be the most realistic foundational goal for corrections. Evidence indicates, however, that there are considerable disparities in sentencing between and within countries for similar offenses. The basic requirements of justice dictate that these disparities be reduced. Further, prison overcrowding, the cost of imprisonment, and the counterproductive effects of prison on the offender suggest the need to divert more offenders from prison and, where feasible, the criminal justice system itself. Diversion should be accomplished without the use of additional resources or the expansion of official structures of social control. A primary focus on diversion will require much closer coordination of the operations of the agencies of the criminal justice system. Research could aid in this endeavor by showing the preconditions, the forms, and the consequences of diversion practice. A total of 28 references are listed. (Author summary modified)