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NIJ Research Review, February 2002, Volume 3, Issue 1: Selected Summaries

NCJ Number
NIJ Research Review Volume: 3 Issue: 1 Dated: February 2002 Pages: 1-7
Date Published
February 2002
7 pages
This report presents summaries of significant research findings from 12 recently completed projects funded by the U.S. Justice Department's National Institute of Justice (NIJ)
One study found that the recidivism risk-assessment instrument used by Alameda County (California) probation placement personnel to rate the risk of recidivism among juvenile probationers produced successful results. A study of boot camps' impact on confinement bed space requirements determined that it depended on the design and operating choices of the boot camps, as well as other variables. An effort to develop a small, lightweight, cost-effective containment vessel capable of withstanding the blast of a pipe bomb containing 1 pound of powder succeeded in containing the detonation blast, but it did not contain the metal fragments thrown off by the detonation. A solution yet to be explored is lining the container with ceramic tile. An evaluation of the first site for Breaking the Cycle (Birmingham, AL), an early intervention drug treatment program, showed preliminary success. An evaluation of the law enforcement and prosecution components of the STOP Violence Against Women Grant Program found that the program significantly impacted the extent and scope of law enforcement and prosecution training at the State level. Another study developed four models to exemplify ways in which police detectives and investigators are being given a more inclusive and proactive role in community policing in seven cities. Other studies summarized pertain to the monitoring of the marijuana surge with DUF/ADAM arrestees; profiling inmates in the Los Angeles County jails; phase I of the Secure Weapon System Smart Gun Technology; secondary data analysis on the etiology, course, and consequences of intimate partner violence against poor women; spatial analysis of crime in Appalachia; stand-off detection and tracking of concealed weapons using magnetic tensor tracking; and visual effects assessment of the Green Laser-Baton Illuminator. 45 listings of other NIJ-funded research

Corporate Author
National Institute of Justice (NIJ)

999 N. Capitol St. NE, Washington, DC 20531, United States

Publication Series
NIJ Research Report
Publication Format
Publication Type
Report (Study/Research)
United States of America