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New Right and Social Justice-Implications for the Prisoners' Movement

NCJ Number
J. G. Fox
Date Published
13 pages
The increase since 1975 in incarceration rates can be linked to the impact of the New Right political movement on social policy.
The conservative viewpoint on criminal justice advocates retributive justice and lengthy prison terms. It dismisses social inequality, racism, poverty, and chronic unemployment of causal factors in criminal behavior. Along with the change in political climate has come a disunity in the prisoners' rights movement, which seeks due process guarantees and liberalization of institutional control mechanisms. In order to instigate a revival of support and to counteract right wing ideology, factions in the prisoners' movement must create a coherent ideology of their own and promote the formation of community-based networks, political consciousness-raising groups, and employment development centers. Nine notes and about 40 references are supplied.