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Narco Terrorism

NCJ Number
R Ehrenfeld
Date Published
247 pages
The U.S. has been the major target of international drug traffickers as a natural consequence of economic and political factors. The U.S. is the biggest consumer of illegal drugs in the world, and it remains the enemy of the Marxist and anti-democratic forces who use drug trafficking to achieve their goals of destabilizing American society and undermining non-Marxist democracies in this hemisphere at no cost to themselves.
This book focuses on the partnership between drug trafficking organizations and international terrorist groups and States -- including Bulgaria, Cuba, Lebanon, Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia -- who use Marxist-Leninist strategies in pursuit of the subversion of legitimate democratic governments. Based on publicly available information, the author argues that narco-terrorism is a particularly sinister manifestation of international terrorism as it blends together the commercial aspects of drug trafficking and the ideological elements of terrorist violence. The evidence points to heavy Soviet involvement in the promotion of narco-terrorism through its surrogates as a means of conducting covert activity against the West.


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