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Multiple Role's Recognition of the Educator of Socially Isolated Persons

NCJ Number
G A Pinton
Date Published
9 pages
This research focuses on the ways in which adult detained persons (socially isolated individuals) may perceive the role of teachers in correctional settings.
Using the method of participatory observation during an 18-month period, it evaluated the performance of six educators in an urban adult detention facility. A large majority of socially isolated individuals see educators as Socratic-type teachers and relate to them as such. Much of the time, the Socratic profile is joined with the custodial profile in the same educator. Some educators are perceived as behaving like radical peers. The paternalistic friend/teacher can perform both teaching assignments and mediation and advocacy on behalf of the inmates. The guidance counselor teacher profile appears whenever there is enough confidence between the educator and inmate. Finally, recognition of the teacher as a father or brother, according to the teacher's age, seems to be the most recognized successful role of the educator of socially isolated persons. The best teachers could play the multiple roles demanded of them. Five references are provided.