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Multi-Year Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Resilience-Based Prevention Program for Young Children

NCJ Number
Journal of Primary Prevention Volume: 24 Issue: 3 Dated: 2004 Pages: 335-53
Kathleen Bodisch Lynch; Susan R. Geller; Melinda G. Schmidt
Date Published
19 pages

The authors present their research methodology and outcomes of a study designed to evaluate the effectiveness of an early childhood prevention initiative which targeted children in preschool through early elementary school.


This article describes the results of a multi-year, multi-state evaluation of the effectiveness of an early childhood prevention initiative that translates resilience research into practice. Targeted to children in preschool through the early elementary grades, the intervention comprises teacher training, a year-long classroom curriculum, original materials and music, and a companion parent education program. The evaluation methodology evolved from pre-experimental to true experimental design and encompassed multiple program replications. Child outcome data indicate that the intervention is effective in both: (a) strengthening children's social-emotional competence and positive coping skills and (b) suppressing the development of antisocial, aggressive behavior. The systematic process and outcome evaluation of this prevention initiative fills a gap by providing hard evidence of the effectiveness of a developmentally appropriate, research-based intervention for young children. Publisher Abstract Provided