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McGruff's Drug Abuse Prevention Kit for Children in Grades K-6

NCJ Number
Date Published
32 pages
Featuring McGruff, the Crime Dog, this newly revised kit is designed to help adults teach children ages 5-12 the negative consequences of drugs, how to refuse drugs and resist peer pressure, and how to develop and enjoy drug-free lifestyles.

McGruff and young children star in a videotape with a message about children's ability to say no to drugs. In addition, an audiocassette presents 11 songs for children. The kit also contains games and puzzles that help children learn McGruff's message, fact sheets, brochures, suggestions for teachers, and a discussion guide designed to assist drug prevention efforts. The games include color, cut, and paste activities; word find puzzles; a McGruff puppet theater; a connect-the-dots drawing, a coded message; mazes. Illustrations; list of other publications from the National Crime Prevention Council; and list of names, addresses, and telephone numbers of sources of other information